An unanticipated threat appears when 300 slaves newly freed enjoy their liberation from RuptureFarms’ industrial megacomplex. Soon, they will realize that while their physical bonds were broken yet they’re still far from being totally free.
As Abe’s savior and guide As Abe’s savior and guide, you’ll be able to be part of the revolution the path to discover what is the truth behind misleading news and disinformation that has brainwashed the people.
You can either scavenge items or make powerful tools. Arm your friends and decide whether you want to engage the enemy in a direct manner by stealth, by stealth, or both.
Do Abe discover a way to restore his family and finally win their liberty? Are there other shocking events can Abe and his fellow travelers discover on the dangerous journey through abandoned mines, massive container yards, abysmal trains, and dusty canyons? Do they believe this is just another step in the direction of the freedom of mankind or is it the final step? The only thing you can do is give them the hope that they are seeking.
A Review made by furry pron game